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05 Jan 2015 21:26:32
Messi following Chelsea on both Instagram and Twitter, as well as Filipe and Courtois on Twitter!
Messi to Chelsea confirmed

Being serious right now it's crazy how some people actually seem to read much into this :)



HAHA was just coming on here to post exact same thing!

Beat me to it ;)


:) going to be around for a couple more days but from the weekend onwards I'll be posting only sporadically. going to be extremely busy with exams. It's going to be a massacre. :(


Ah i'm sorry Jackson. I had 8 years of university so I know what that feels like. Good luck with them :)

Alright man, Good luck with everything! Are these your final exams I your schooling or are you in uni or something?


I'm in uni, mate :) Thanks guys!
So be sure to keep the page alive, even if I'm not doing it, alright? ;-)


Haha will do buddy :P




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