10 Jan 2025 11:41:35
A question for ED01 if I may? With live streaming of every game by clubs potentially not that far away and with the huge revenue that will bring from across the globe are these huge stadiums going to be needed going forward? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
{Ed001's Note - yes mate, they will probably mostly end up being full of daytrippers, but they will make a huge difference to revenue. It is just like recording artists, they still tour the world playing to stadiums, because you can make more money from that on top of what you get from the other revenue streams. The bigger the stadium, the more money. The issue will be pricing. Clubs are going to have to be careful on that front to keep the stadia full.}
10 Jan 2025 15:01:28
Thanks ED01. I agree about pricing going forward. A lot of fans will be content with watching every match live on a stream and the stadiums could be half empty if the pricing is wrong and with little to no atmosphere if filled with day trippers.
{Ed001's Note - exactly and that will look crap on streams.}
11 Jan 2025 10:15:59
I suppose the clubs could afford to keep prices lower in stadiums if they are generating huge sums from streaming.
11 Jan 2025 21:06:56
Bill, that would be a nice idea but I doubt it and I think you doubt it as well?
12 Jan 2025 00:30:48
If they get the pricing wrong you could have a 60,000 stadium half full with no atmosphere as half the world sit at home or in the pub watching live streams of every game their team play. Begs the question as to even bother building a new stadium?