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02 Feb 2025 03:42:50
Being positive or negative is obviously influenced by the teams results. Posters with certain views come and go depending on results. Depending on those results us fans either heap praise or criticism in the direction of players, managers, SD's and owners. All have a part to play in success or failure.

I think all my current problems started when I woke up over sixty years ago and decided to be a Chelsea supporter. Nothing has been the same since. All the good things that could have happened have turned sour. The wife could have stayed as the happy person I first met. The kids could have remained as little angels and a pint of beer would still be about two bob. I could have got to see a doctor face to face and paid cash for anything I wanted to buy. The list of those good times is endless.

If only I hadn't chosen to support Chelsea.

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02 Feb 2025 08:58:43

You would have missed our banter site.

Like you Tom I have supported our club through thick or thin for over 60 years.

We have been blessed with some truly marvelous players over that time albeit if not a consistent winning team, indeed we have been relegated, been in numerous relegation battles and lost the ground.

The coach I loved was Eddie McCreadie albeit he lasted one season however it was a hell of a season with him coaching some lovely young academy players probably the reason my love for our academy players now.

You could have it worse, my wife is a West Ham fan and my daughter will only watch the Chelsea women's team as she thinks they are much better tan the men.

02 Feb 2025 10:57:59
Just when I thought I was the only fan to suffer. I suppose we have to keep our chins up Bill.

02 Feb 2025 11:09:15
We do Tom but is difficult at times.

02 Feb 2025 16:37:11
Tom, Bill I’m suffering too.
Bill, I remember the McCreadie season. Four of us went to a load of away games in my mate’s battered old Ford Zephyr . I seem to remember a lot were up North, we used to stop off in Birmingham for a few beers. I really used to enjoy my football in those days. TBH sometimes now it feels like a duty.

02 Feb 2025 16:59:31
Tom, interesting what you said about how you became a Chelsea fan. I was born in West London and brought up in NW London. My late father, who was Irish, wasn’t interested in football he was a big fan of Gaelic football. I seem to remember that the father of a kid I used to play with when I was around 10 took us to Chelsea in the old North Stand, I loved it the experience and the blue shirts: that’s why I go bonkers when I see the new kits.

02 Feb 2025 17:45:25
Jimbo, you saying you used to enjoy football in those days reminded me of some self scrutiny on why I feel just a little detached from my club.

Strangely it didn’t used to spoil my weekends when we spent years winning nothing. I had the glory years of under the Doc and Sexton but even then if we got beat I could handle it.

We then find ourselves taken over by a billionaire and it was the stuff dreams but I found myself getting seriously pis@ed off when we didn’t win. That feeling of being very upset when are now going through another trophy less period is almost the same as it was under Roman.

So I have sort of semi convinced myself that the happiest period I have had as a Chelsea supporter was when we were sh’t.

Of course nothing will beat the occasions of winning the Premiership after fifty years or that glorious night in Munch but they were just beautiful moments.

02 Feb 2025 18:48:30
Tom, maybe it’s because in those days we hadn’t won that much but having won Premier League, FA Cups, Champions League and WCC ; now it’s was that it. Perhaps, everything was more fun when you are young and good looking. lol.

02 Feb 2025 19:51:10
Jimbo, you are correct. I was handsome.

Strangely I’m not the sort of person that thinks “things were better in my day. ”.

02 Feb 2025 21:40:00
Tom, so was I. You are right, things weren’t necessarily better in my day as we know there were dark things hidden by institutions, racism, sexism, child abuse which all went under the radar. That said, the best music, no tech etc. I loved the fact that I could see the best bands, go to Chelsea and when I went out all I needed was my front door keys and some beer vouchers in my pocket- freedom.

02 Feb 2025 22:29:03
I remember my mum telling me that music was better in her day but even she liked the Beatles.



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