Chelsea rumours 18289


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07 Aug 2024 08:09:01
Ed002 is there any interest in sterling or mudryk? Any real possibility one could leave? Thanks.

{Ed002's Note - Nothing of note.}

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07 Aug 2024 13:02:21
Scary, he's a big ffp hit on a big contract.

07 Aug 2024 13:14:28
I assume that comment was directed at Sterling. I think his base salary has been the same for the
last two seasons but haven’t got a clue if there are performance clauses.

07 Aug 2024 23:15:39
He’s looked all right in pre-season… Sterling, that is.

07 Aug 2024 23:37:02
Both tom. Mudryk more so.

08 Aug 2024 08:19:27
I haven’t got a clue about FFP and how it affects a club and would appear there could be some changes to how that is calculated at some stage.

The cost of a player is something I try to keep away from. The club I assume takes advice on all these issues and it’s all beyond the brain power of this simple supporter but I do get upset when the term FFP is used as a weapon but as I’ve said before that is probably just me.

08 Aug 2024 21:37:12
Tom, it is just you. PSR is a reality that all clubs have to monitor carefully; it can’t be ignored. Cynics would suggest that it is one of the reasons academy players are being moved on where other players should be shown the door first. Sterling was one of the big mistakes by the new owners: he was never that good but got a long £300K a week contract. We won’t be able to shift him because of his wages. I understand the rules are changing but wages will still be a factor in the calculations.

08 Aug 2024 23:50:16
Tom, FFP is very important. Ed002 says we shouldn't pay attention to it on here because we often get it wrong which is fair enough. In reality though, just like contracts in basketball, its very important.

09 Aug 2024 04:55:12
Yes it is important but it’s not something I understood and when I’ve asked fellow posters to explain it, there has been no response. When media pundits/ experts use the term they are just pointing a finger without knowing or having accurate figures. So I can’t be bothered with it.

09 Aug 2024 05:52:37
Jimbo, it’s not about me ignoring PSR it’s about me being honest enough to say I don’t understand it and that’s after looking at as much information as I can find on the subject but even if I did understand it, I am not in a position to know what a club is engineering financially. As a fan I would just be guessing and almost certainly drawing to wrong conclusions.

Swiss Ramble is widely regarded as giving the best guidance to the financial health of football clubs but its conclusions are full of presumptions and caveats.

I personally get fed up with experts saying this club or that club are on the verge of failing PSR as if they have more knowledge than the clubs experts.

I have said before, if my club breaks rules I would expect it to be punished. I will try not to bleat about the punishment but if it ever happens I will almost certainly be critical of the people who put us in a position to be punished.



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