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26 Jan 2025 15:04:29
I love the debate/ banter on this site but I have just finished having a very long discussion with a fellow season ticket holder who says we may well still sign Tel from BM.

Clips always show the positive side of a player but I would be astonished if BM let this lad leave.

Agree0 Disagree0

26 Jan 2025 17:38:44
Agreed Tom however I suppose it depends on how much they want Nukunku.

27 Jan 2025 09:57:14
I understand that Nkunku wants to leave and the club want him gone, but at some point the powers that be need to prioritise improving the first team rather than continuing on the path of speculative purchases.

Tel is fantastic talent but we need to have conversation about whether these young players are being set up to fail at Chelsea, by joining a team that is in a constant state of flux, with no success now for approaching 3 years.

The SDs need to accept that they can't hoover up every highly rated u23 player in world football. They are going to miss out on some players, that is ok.

My final point would be what does this say about their judgement of players they have purchased for the wide roles? 60m Mudryk, 60m Neto, 65m Felix, 27m Madueke, 25m Sancho. None of them, perhaps bar Madueke who is frustrating in his own right, have delivered. Food for thought.

27 Jan 2025 10:34:50
RBD, just a few points. The pressure should always be on the SD’s to deliver players who can bring success/ trophies to the club. I also have no idea who has or is setting the agenda for the signing of young talent. As far as I know they could be acting under the instructions of the board/ owners.

I think Sancho is proving my initial concerns to be misplaced.

From everything that I have read the club do not want Nkunku to leave. I think if he leaves it could well be that the player wants to.

27 Jan 2025 12:40:19
Tom, its great to be back and chatting Chels with you.

I admit I have no smoking gun to use as proof, but the actions of the SDs so far have suggested that they see any player signed before their time as surplus to requirements. Nkunku was signed prior to them coming on board and was by all accounts a signing driven by Vivell, who has since left the club. We can also reasonably assume that his wage is considered too high by the club, due to the numerous briefs released about bringing wages down at the club. I think it is therefore likely that they would very much prefer to move on Nkunku, not to mention that unlike the vast majority of the squad, he seems to actually be in demand.

As for him pushing to leave - can you blame him? He was given the first game of the season to play in his preferred role, and since then has been shoehorned in as a 9, limited to appearances when we are chasing a game.

I am in agreement that Sancho appears to be an astute signing, but I am basing that entirely on his price. He has certainly not brought dynamic wing play to the Bridge and his output in terms of goals and assists is paltry. Of all the players I listed, none have been a dramatic improvement on CHO, which for circa £230m is extremely disappointing.

27 Jan 2025 14:14:38
RBD, I’m can’t be bothered to look for a “smoking gun” but I am happy to make guesses and probably come up with the wrong conclusion.

I have said so many times I have no problems with players wanting to leave and if the reason is they believe they are being treated unfairly it’s seems perfectly reasonable to me that they move to another club. As I’ve said it would appear to me it’s Nkunku who may want to leave not club wanting him to leave, that would hardly suggest that his wages are an issue for the club.

I repeat I have no idea what job the SD’s have been asked to do at Chelsea but like all SD’s involved in recruitment at any club, if they get it wrong then they deserve criticism.

The winger question is interesting. I’ve stated that every day of the week and twice on Sundays I would have signed Neto, sadly he hasn’t hit the ground running and against Fulham him and Gusto were a disaster. He might well play better with James behind him. Noni is a mystery to me. He seem to have some questions to answer about his professionalism but I find myself swinging from fantastic to woeful. Mudryk was just showing a glimmer of ability and then the wheels fall off, maybe if his own making and that will be very sad. Sancho for me has a touch of class. He is always willing to receive the ball in tight situations and although he prefers to move inside with the ball he can go both ways. If I was looking to sell any of them and putting aside Mudryk it would be Noni if only because it would partially stop me swearing at the TV.

27 Jan 2025 17:18:28
I think Sanch has shown quick feet and some good passing but will hopefully push on into backing himself to ghet into the box more and shoot and hopefully score more.

27 Jan 2025 18:30:52
Tom, my hope for quality wing play died when we somehow deigned not to sign Olise. No matter what the reason, it was a complete slam dunk of a signing and would have set us up for 5 years at a minimum.

I full expect Noni will be sent to the bomb squad - another Vivell signing and he's in the way of the SDs latest pet project Estevao. As for Neto, after fudging said Olise transfer it's clear they did a deal with the devil Mendes and thought they just needed to get someone in through the door. I wasn't impressed with the player, the circumstances, the treatment of Gallagher and Samu, and especially that he came as a package deal with Felix.

How are they going to be able to break even on some of these players, let alone profit is beyond me. There are two fairly predictable outcomes, lots of loans (Veiga, Disasi, Sterling) or sales of anyone they can (Nkunku, Gallagher) . My fear is that the latter will eventually extend to Palmer, Colwill, Jackson, Santos etc.

27 Jan 2025 20:02:38
RBD, what does “designed” it for that matter “slam dunk” mean in the context of Olise? As far as I know we didn’t make a bid for the player.

There is nothing clear about making some sort of deal with a “devil” agent as you suggest. This just all made up stuff but then we all just fans just guessing.

I would have liked CG to stay. He was offered a contract (according to Ed002) and turned it down. He was obviously entitled to turn it down. From what I can remember, I think from Ed001, the manager didn’t want Felix (neither did I) but the SD’s did.

If they don’t sell a player then “breaking even, ” making a loss or making a profit isn’t an issue. The loan deal for Veiga looks like a no brainer and I haven’t got a clue is Disasi will be a loan or a sale but there are apparently several clubs interested. I personally hope he is sold.

Sterling, was a strange episode but I think the club just ran out of road having decided very late in the last window he wasn’t part of there plans. I was hoping he might do reasonably well for the gooners so as to create some interest but as yet that hasn’t happened.

Your comment about Palmer, Santos, Colwill, Jackson being sold at some stage is in my opinion reasonable. In fact there was a rumour of an offer of £160m for Palmer and I asked the question from fellow posters, would they take that offer. If I remember correctly only one person said No but then only person said Yes and that was me. I gave up feeling precious about any player a long time ago.

28 Jan 2025 08:48:07
We tapped up Olise for over year, and then didn't sign him. He was clearly one of the best wingers in the league, moved for less money than we spent on Neto, and has been brilliant for Bayern.

We can read between the lines.

28 Jan 2025 09:49:48
The trouble is that all of this is exposing the apparent lack of careful planning and cool considered minds behind Vision 2023.

It is quite possible that Gallagher a) was offered a not v good contract; or b) it was a reasonable contract but with Poch departing he fekt his game time going forward was in jeaopardy in terms of SD antipathy to Poch and possible replacement manager not favouring some those Poch favoured. Perhaps Poch told him as much?! Who knows.

28 Jan 2025 11:36:38
I don’t recall any rumour that we “tapped up” Olise. I seem to remember Ed002 saying he was in a list of targets. I also find it hard to believe that as our owners self reported an issue that they would sanction a breach of protocol. Leave that approach to Klopp. haha.

I assume reading between the lines is just another term for guessing and we all do that. I’m afraid I don’t have a very suspicious mind.

28 Jan 2025 11:39:21
JBS, you are correct that “rumours” suggested there was a split at various levels about Poch. That sort of split can happen in most corporates. If I was Poch it wouldn’t have given me a very warm feeling.



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