Chelsea banter 26445


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19 Mar 2019 09:19:29
Hi Eds,

Can I ask, is there any truth in the new reports yesterday that Sir Jim Ratcliffe is still interested in buying Chelsea?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

{Ed002's Note - Jim Ratcliffe has had an offer rejected for the club but has never made any secret of his desire to buy it.}

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19 Mar 2019 13:08:23
Thanks very much for the reply Ed002. I know that at one point the owner had looked into selling a share in the club to finance the ground re-development. Do you think there is currently more of an appetite to sell the club outright now if the price offered is seen to be 'interesting' enough?

{Ed002's Note - None of this is related to selling a proportion to redevelop the ground. It is to do with approaches from Jim Ratcliffe who knows Mr Abramovich well.}

19 Mar 2019 15:00:35
Thanks Ed002. Understood and appreciated.

19 Mar 2019 16:01:30
I would love for them to join forces and make us the force we was when Abramovich first took over.

19 Mar 2019 20:47:08
Doubtful there were ever be a joint venture. Radcliffe is very single minded and prefers total control and no distractions. I would imagine our sponsorship would be his own company and the loan sideline we run would stop apart from the odd one to gain experience. I was at a meeting where he discussed his business and he made it clear he tries to keep outside influences to a minimum so you focus on what you are employed to do.



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