11 Mar 2024 07:04:39
John Brooks is the ref tonght. Let's hope he is better at being a ref than he is when on VAR duty.
{Ed001's Note - he's better on VAR and he is ducking useless at being on VAR!}
11 Mar 2024 07:25:42
Love it Ed. Hope you are keeping well?
{Ed001's Note - good in some respects. Having a few issues that I had to go back to Dubai to sort out, as my bank account is there and I was blocked from accessing it due to the visa issues, which is a pain. I couldn't get out the Philippines to get there as I needed a clearance certificate first off (you would think they would pay to get rid of me but no I had to pay to get out!), then when I got to Dubai I found some moron had clicked the wrong button. Instead of cancelling my old visa and issuing me a new one they had blocked my immigration card so I was an illegal immigrant when I got there. Which was .....interesting. And none of it is sorted now over a week later because of that one idiot pressing the wrong button. Still, it has not been all bad, despite the hotel having cancelled my booking because I was an illegal immigrant so having to sort that out in the early hours of the morning after a day sat in a holding cell. It hasn't been all bad as my aunt and uncle are out here for a holiday at the same time, pure coincidence as their friend has an apartment out here and offered it to them for a few weeks holiday. So I have just spent a week showing them round and catching up as it has been over ten years since we last saw each other. Been a great week.
How are things with you Tom? Is your health getting any better? Or is it a case of just getting as much time as possible to enjoy life? Sorry if that sounds blunt, but life is short and I have lost a lot of friends recently, sometimes you realise that you need to enjoy what you have before it is too late. And I know you have to have treatment which sounds serious, rather than just minor.}
11 Mar 2024 08:23:21
Your issues with immigration brought back’s memories of a time when I spent 24 hours in a Florida prison cell because of a piece of paper attached to my passport. The USA border force were not the most helpful but I at at least managed to get some compensation from them.
My health took a turn for the worst a few months ago and things looked pretty bleak but such are the advances in science that I undertook a completely new treatment that touch wood has proven so far to be very good. Our NHS gets lots of criticism but when it works, it is totally brilliant.
I’ve now sadly reached an age when I go to lots of funerals but very few weddings!
I have had a truly wonderful innings and I will have very few regrets when I eventually pop my clogs. I’ve been blessed with a positive attitude to life. I’ve cherished every good moment and only seen negatives as an opportunity to work or play harder.
Anyway, good luck and thanks as always for your input. Remember “health is wealth. ”.
11 Mar 2024 09:07:50
You just take care of your health too Tom! As for compensation, you are lucky, I have to pay to sort out the mess they made here. You would think at the very least it would be free but no.
11 Mar 2024 09:07:56
I've just got back from Dubai ED01, a lovely place for winter sun.
{Ed001's Note - it is great mate, I am hoping to go back there one day for good. I love it there.}
11 Mar 2024 09:27:56
Tomb without being to personal what is wrong with your health mate.
11 Mar 2024 09:54:21
Gola, over the years and mainly due to personal abuse of my body I have had several ailments.
The most serious and recent is an attack on my nervous system. For this I was taking on an infusion treatment every ten weeks. I’m my case when I take on board an infusion I also take on a the donor immune system and it’s there healthy immune system that stops my problems progression. Unfortunately that treatment, after many years, became ineffective. So luckily for me and with the help of medical science a so called “synthetic” infusion product has been developed. I have now had my first treatment and although it took me some time to recover, the results have been amazing. I’m never going to be cured but I can now see me lasting another 70 years ish.
I’m sure that will be bad news for some on this site. haha! It will also be bad news for CFC administration as I continue to bombard them with my usual complaints.
11 Mar 2024 10:40:53
Tom, glad to hear you are going to be around for a long time.
11 Mar 2024 11:08:26
Thanks Jimbo and fingers crossed.
11 Mar 2024 13:33:54
I echo the sentiments if our previous posters Tom, hope youvcontinue with your gradual improvement.
11 Mar 2024 13:45:51
Thanks Bill.
11 Mar 2024 15:23:56
Synthetic tomb always new you were a plastic fan ???
Only joking mate long may it continue working and all the best with it.
11 Mar 2024 16:51:04
Thanks gola, much appreciated.