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22 May 2024 15:25:27

Can I ask who would think would be the ideal manager who is on our list that is if we have any at the moment.

{Ed002's Note - I would have Mourinho back, but that is not happening.}

Agree0 Disagree0

22 May 2024 16:11:56
Thank you Ed, much appreciated.

22 May 2024 18:42:07
Ed002, do you mind if I ask why mourinho would be your preference?

{Ed002's Note - He would sort everything out including pruning and refining the squad, he always has the respect of players and he has been very successful - perhaps the second or third most successful - coach in recent years. Most supporters would welcome his return.}

22 May 2024 20:25:42
King Jose would be the perfect fit and 90% of Chelsea fans would love that to happen.

22 May 2024 20:34:49
Ed002, exactly the profile we need as a coach but as you say it isn’t going to happen. The squad apparently unhappy about Poch’s departure, clearly he was liked as a father figure but as a coach I would like to be respected first.

{Ed002's Note - I am sure there are mixed feelings in the squad, but they need to move on as a club. There needs to be some trimming and folks are working on additions. There is no decision about a replacement yet but they have options. An interesting few weeks.}

22 May 2024 20:58:26
I have no idea what percentage of fans would want Jose back and it may well be a popular move but not for me thanks. I also have no idea if Poch was respected as a coach by the players.

Actually “I have no idea” and not sure I care that much.

22 May 2024 21:03:37
I agree fans would love him because of what he's done and when he was first appointed he was inspirational and had the charisma. He pulled players in and they'd have run through a brick wall for him.

However I don't think this generation of players could take him. They've changed from 20 years ago.
It's the same in every work place.
It's frustrating but they couldn't hack him calling them out and they'd down tools.
As much as my heart wants him and I'd embrace his return, my head says its a bad move.

I honestly don't know who I want.

2 months ago, none of us wanted poch. His tactics were poor and he'd take too long to change things.
Yes we finished the season well but we were so poor for most of the season and we bottled it against Liverpool and didn't go for the kill when we should have. That was on poch.

Gallagher and chalobah are good squad players but if gallagher won't sign a contract then he needs to be sold, chalobah apparently wants guaranteed game time, he's not a world class CB and I don't think he should be a guaranteed started for us. I'm not saying disasi is better but if chalobah wants that guarantee, I don't think we should give it him and therefore is likely to push to leave.

Poch could have played matseen at LB but didn't. He played him out of position and as a result he left on loan and has gone on to look good in his correct position.

Poch kept making such strange decisions in the first half of the season.

I think fans forget this and are blinded by the last 6 weeks or so.
Don't forget we lost 5 nil to arsenal. That's embarrassing.

22 May 2024 22:36:25
King Drogba, that is the best post I have seen on this site for a long time. You speak real sense. Clearly a fan and with real understanding and passion.

22 May 2024 23:50:11
King Drogba, you are right about young players not being able to accept tough love and also about the work place. In the past Chelsea players loved a manager like Jose because we were winners. Now some of the squad loved Poch because he puts his arms around them when they mess up. That’s the role of parents not the job of a coach of highly paid professional athletes.

23 May 2024 07:26:44
The only manager I would have back is Carlo and that ain’t happening.

One management skill is understanding the personalities of the people who work for you. I’m not sure how much tough love Hazard got but Joe Cole always says he needed that tough love management style. My guess is a football manager has to work with the different player personalities he is given and that skill is not unique to any manager.

An arm round the shoulder or a kick up the backside done at the right time can both work.

23 May 2024 07:42:50

I'm sure that if we were getting the Jose who was a fresh young manager who had just won the champions league, the current players would want him however today's Jose is not that one and its no coincidence that there are now a number of young coaches in demand.

Managers like Jose, Allegri, Conte, TT will always get a job however not with progressive clubs.

23 May 2024 08:21:48
Great observation Bill, none of those bring any progression to where Chelsea are at right now. Slot we missed out on, well done Liverpool, championship managers are not pl managers so Hoeness at Frankfurt would be my choice if he would accept a job now at Chelsea, rather than Champions League at Stuttgart next season!
Lets see what transpires!

23 May 2024 08:30:15
Yeah, these owners / co directors couldn’t handle such a character, shame.

23 May 2024 09:31:32
I’d counter that king drog and say form from January had us 3rd. Not just 6 weeks, and the main thing is isn’t poch going, it’s the replacements. There completely inexperienced unproven, some names haven’t managed a game in premier league or the highest league in there country, some have had only a year showing there capabilities. Some finished 16th and 12th in prem and another with less injuries than us finished behind United,

Some reports saying poch raised the concerns of midfield of enzo and ceceido - form says he was right,

It’s fine the owners want am to follow alonsos Leverkusen but he finished 6th and asked for experience players to improve, isn’t this what poch wanted and publicly spoke about.

And poch’s tactics wernt poor first half, we created the most chances and missed the most, that’s not a tactics issue that’s individuals, people like noni and Jackson who were wasteful First half of season, mudryk, enzo not ever hitting target, we’ve all been on here talking amid players improving but nobody who wanted poch in has given him credit for that, it’s like there a bias. Poch never got credit for palmers form, but blamed for mudryks lack of improvement.

Agree if poch had concerns go if ya don’t want to be here, Gallagher, great squad player but sell if won’t sign, chalobah the same, but if we go back, was sacking tuchel right decision? No
Was potter right man? No
Lampard til end of season? Why, just let potter go at end so again, no,
In most opinions was poch right choice when nanglesman and Enrique and slot even get table, most would say no, so why now do we think these lot will get it right when the options of quality are seriously lower than before,

23 May 2024 10:24:46
Matt and Drog you both make some interesting points.

Our new owners in my opinion have made some poor decisions but putting aside the early signings I think the recruitment of players has been ok.

Roman chopped and changed managers including mid season and not many people moaned and that’s understandable as under his ownership we won trophies.

23 May 2024 10:40:23
All fair paints raised Matt and a good post.

It's painful to see us in a mess and with the owners making decisions that the probably the majority don't agree with.
Fingers crossed they do get it right though and the next appointment works. Hard to see at this point though.

23 May 2024 11:29:10
Good thread to read in these times and thanks to all for it. One thing that has been good is that there has been a decent amount of respect for all opinions even when we've disagreed with each other. partly I think because we've all recognised that we all care deeply about CFC so have been trying to be considered and considerate in this time of uncertainty again at the Bridge. Well done lads!

23 May 2024 12:39:22
I agree JBS on it being a good thread. More and more clubs are now looking at Sporting directors and data driven recruitment with an identified style of play and player profile so the "Manager" term no longer really applies. Head coach is the position and whilst input will always be sought the successful candidate must be prepared to work under these conditions. The "fit" needs to be right between all sides, players, coaches and sporting directors. After all, not many "managers"/ "Head coaches" stay around for too long so by keeping the other key variables steady little disruption takes place. It is the way forward and the players will get back from their holidays, international's etal and go straight into pre-season to meet their new Head Coach, striker, goal keeper, left back, centre back and maybe even an attacking midfielder.

23 May 2024 14:29:13
I get that is what CFC structure means G8 but still wonder whether yhr balance is right in two respects. Firstly in terms of how much the Sporting directors listen to the head coaches feedback on individual players. In other words the flesh snd blood reality they see on everyday basis in terms say of combinations that work or don't and who to keep or not. Also the matter of how a mere coach in this structure gains the kind of authority and loyalty from players that would make them believe in him and run through walls for him. The game is so. much about confidence and belief and human frailties and overcoming them . and how a great MSN manager like a Klopp and perhaps a Poch is able to help. In Klopp or Alec Ferguson or Pep or Carlo's case or even Arteta at Arsenal now because they have been allowed that authority.

Mote conctetely for CFC now, will the players who have played under Poch easily buy into the methods of a. new head coach who is much less experienced or never perhaps coached at EPL level or in European competitions. Would potential top signings want to join.

But at heart is my worry that people who know less about football and particularly the reality of working with footballers on a daily badis have more power in the ' structure '
Than those who know more but disagree with them.



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